Sing-a-long! Bermain-main dengan tuhan, nabi, ratu dan rock: re-thinking and re-imagining the popular 90s Search song ‘Isabella’.
Sebuah gereja telahpun terbakar, apakah nanti ada masjid yang terbakar? Di mana-manapun aku tetap akan bersedih, jika agama menjadi alat hasrat rakus politikus.
by Suraya Warden
Exhibition Review: Everything is Sacred, by Norberto Roldan at Taksu Gallery, strikes the viewer as straight from the heart, showing works by an artist whose contemplations have been successfully translated into visual art.
by Zedeck Siew
This week on Sightings:
Pray n’ spray. Graffiti in Bangsar celebrates personal salvation of the radical kind.
By Eva McGovern
Birdprayers is an ongoing multi site, multidisciplinary project that combines performance, exhibitions and talks by artists Sara Nuytmans (The Netherlands) and Arya Pandjalu (Indonesia).
By Haseena Abdul Majid
Artist Profile: Justin Lim
Looking at a painter compelled to question existence.