Valentine Willie Fine Art is delighted to announce the launch of Chang Fee Ming’s latest publication of his travel sketches, Sketching Through Southeast Asia. In conjunction with the launch, an exhibition of Chang Fee Ming’s sketches, accumulated from his twenty years of travelling across the region, will be held at the gallery from 21 July […]
While the three works on display can hardly be an adequate representation of the artist’s entire oeuvre, their spectacular nature offers a vivid illustration of Cai Guo-Qiang’s practice.
I may be Malaysian but a part of me also feels I belong to Jogja AND Manila. I cherish and love the vastly differing energies that both cities have to offer.
Born in Australia, Ben traced a colourful life and career that spanned the globe, starting out in the performing arts and eventually finding his niche in the world of academia and writing.
It’s the middle of the week: too close to Monday, too far from Friday. What you need is some home cooking OR a dose of timeless, down-to-earth wisdom, as interpreted by Antares.
CHAI presents Dialog Tiga Generasi Aktivis Mahasiswa a conversation with Isham Rais, Khairul “Jonah” Anuar & Hilman Idham 8.30pm, 24 July 2010 Bringing together three prominent student activists of the past and present, this conversation with Isham Rais, Khairul Anuar and Hilman Idham will trace an oral history of student activism in Malaysia post-1969 – […]
“…a man is always a teller of tales, he lives surrounded by his stories and the stories of others, he sees everything that happens to him through them, and he tries to live his life as if he were telling a story.” – Jean Paul-Sartre In conjunction with Astro MySTORY’s campaign**, MAP is inviting artists […]
In conjunction with the exhibition BERGERak, there will be a talk by Karim Raslan about the artist’s work and Indonesia contemporary art at The Annexe Gallery (2nd Floor, Central Market Annexe, Kuala Lumpur) on Sunday 25 July at 3pm. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP Liza ( +60 3 2284 2348) – – – – […]
Come see ‘CAN WE MEET?’ video art exhibition at Galeri REKA National Art Gallery from 20th July-6th August. And make yourself available for: Thursday, 8PM, 29th July – Opening reception @ BSLN Saturday, 8:30PM, 31st July – Experimental Video-Music Performance Nite@ BSLN: Performers are Akiko Nakamura, The Ensemble with Kotaro Tanaka, HKPT, So Sound and […]
Bulan ke sembilan dalam kalendar Islam-Ramadhan merupakan bulan yang amat penting bagi umat Islam di dunia.Ini adalah bulan untuk mengemas kini dan memperbaharui komitmen serta membina semula hubungan dengan Pencipta kita. Juga merupakan bulan di mana setiap Muslim berkesempatan untuk menguatkan iman, menyucikan hati dan jiwa.Tidak lupa juga di bulan Ramadhan kita berpeluang melahirkan rasa […]
Opening: 08th August 2010, SUnday and starts from 7pm to 10pm. Core Design Gallery brings to you an art exhibition that compels all 3 of your psychological, mental & emotional senses.“Oeuvre of Movement No.1” encompasses the 3 life body works of M.Shafarin Ghani – Art, Poetry & Music all in one show. Malaysia has seen the birth & growth of successful […]
Muka depan Berita Tarian: Pantun berkhawin dengan Poem. Skandal! Poetuns are short poems which are written to resemble pantuns.
Khazanah Artist Residency Commissioning Programme: 8-week, fully-funded residency in Mumbai, India for 2 Malaysian artists! Read on for full details. DEADLINE: 29 JULY 2010.
熱帶語林 What’s about us? 如果你 对“语言”一词感到严肃,那么你是无知。 如果你对“语言”一词感到可笑,你还是无知。 如果你对我所说的感到质疑,那么你我都是无 知。 2006年“[思想+自分]報告”以“语言”为主题參與「击破:平台剧场合作交流计划」於吉隆坡國家語文局首演。於2008年受邀到東京及新加坡巡回演出,同年9月並再次於吉隆坡表演藝術中心從演。“[思想+自分]報告” 演出不仅挑战观众对于“语言”的既定想法,也挑战了我们对于语言课题以外的思考,演出並以幽默调侃的方式来探讨语言在马来西亚的窘境和吊诡性。 经过去年排演一《老妇还乡》的排演课汇报演出,让学生们对舞台制作和表演有了更深入的了解及实践能力后。今年,新纪元学院戏剧与影像系邀来导演罗国文,带领着去年《老妇还乡》的同一批学生进行排演二汇报演出。并以“[思想+自分]报告”的演出蓝本,带领着学生们去探索语言在马来西亚的尴尬和窘境。并希望通过排演和演出的过程中去激发年轻社群更多关于社会和此一课题的思考和讨论空间,同时也和学生们分享剧场艺术除了说故事以外,更多的可能性,并把此次的演出取名为《热带语林》。 《热带语林》是一份正经又不正经的演出报告。作品融合了剧场轻松且幽默的表演形式,在舞台上呈现四段对马来西亚有关“语言“课题为探讨。演出内容包括,以风趣的方式呈现访问社会一般群众生活中对语言的经历与态度,再从学术性角度让大家认识什么是语言、国语及母语。另外,为了进一部了解另一族群的生活与文化,演出将带领大家进入马来电影P. Ramlee 的世界,去体验不同民族文化的差异所在。 《热带语林》演出详情如下- 2010年7月16日(五)8.00pm 2010年7月17日(六)3.00pm & 8.00pm 2010年7月18日(日)11.00am & 3.00pm 票价一律为RM15,新纪元学院在籍生则RM10。 欲知更多有关演出详情请联络 钟伟伦 019-913 0236 梁家恩 012-727 1367 或游览我们的网站, 订票热线 何慧婷 012-338 6919 梁家恩 012-727 1367 ____________________________________________ 製作團隊 Production Team 导演 Director:罗国文 影像设计:區琇詒 原創音樂:黃楚原 戏剧与影像系2年纪荣誉呈现 New Era College Drama and Visuals Dept. […]
Buto Performance Sun 8 Aug | 8.30pm Presented by Nyoba Kan as part of the Nyoba Kan International Buto Fest 2010 Admission RM20 donation Break the rules! Interact with difference! Crisscross energies! Create something new! Experiment! Join us for a one-of-a-kind improvised buto performance featuring Au Sow Yee, Alison K, Goh Lee Kwang, Tan Eng […]