Why in Art, does everything have to be a metaphor for something else? Why do we seek alternative, more worthy validation for images?
by Rahmat Haron
Aku peduli apa. Inilah jalannya Art of desperation! Inilah titik masuk ‘entry point’ yang akan membawa berbagai kehadiran, beragam kemungkinan dan berencam kebarangkalian ke ruang pemerintahan (dominion) SENI atau keakraban masyarakat SENI atau ekonomi SENI atau politik SENI atau sebab musabab SENI atau asas kewarasan SENI atau agama SENI atau kegilaan SENI – bagaimana dan apapun yang ingin difahami.
by Wong Hoy Cheong
A little background: I was rather excited by the polemics and arguments that emerged from Simon Soon’s review of Marion D’Cruz’s performance lecture. While I might not agree with many of the things said, they nevertheless were invigorating and challenging, especially when polemics in the discussion on art and culture are rare and few.
by S.M.K. Seri Kembangan Fighters
Finally, our fight caught the media’s attention, Deputy Education Minister Datuk Wee Ka Siong has come to see us, our actions can be viewed in YouTube. Cool. We are the SMKSK rockstars. The ‘victim’ is a science stream student, we are the filthy-faulty-frantic delinquents from the art stream.
by Sharon Chin
I trickled in late, but still managed to catch the better part of Beverly Yong’s introductory talk on contemporary art in Malaysia at Galeri Petronas on Tuesday. The turn out was pretty good. I mean, all the seats were filled. This was 6.30pm on a weekday so… kudos to you fellow die-hards.
by Tanya Soong
It is possibly one of the art world’s big little ironies that one of the hardest hit country in Southeast Asia by the current economic crisis is playing host to 80s ‘neo-expressionist’ extraordinaire, Julian Schnabel, who led the charge in painting’s postmodern renaissance and whose seemingly soaring fame and ego was neutered by the financial meltdown of ’87.