A review of Yee I-Lann’s book Fluid World. ‘A multi-layered, multi-textural, malleable, plastic world containing multiple narratives’

She took her hobby to another level, and it landed her in New York! Read about Nadirah Zakariya’s journey from Bangi to the Big Apple!

Penang-based photographer Ismail Hashim has created some of the most memorable images in Malaysian art. This essay takes an in-depth look at his work.

Penang-based photographer Ismail Hashim has created some of the most memorable images in Malaysian art. This essay takes an in-depth look at his work.

Your vote is needed! SENI untuk AIDS is an online photography competition to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS. Help pick the winners from 15 finalists.

KL fatigue? See the city differently. We interview Colin Shafer on ‘Everyone Has Hope’, a photography project and exhibition with Burmese refugee children living in KL.

So you want to be a photographer who specialises in shooting photos of indigenous people…

Stepping on the backs of artists. A review of “ROAD”, an exhibition by Myanmar artist Myat Kywat, 12 – 17 June 2010 at newly opened DAGAUNG Gallery in Yangon

W.Gallery is back with photographer Jun Kit’s haunting homage to the cruising parks of Malaysia frequented by men who have sex with men.

Seeking the best interpretations in contemporary portraiture in two categories: individual and story portraits, the 2010 KL Photoawards attempts to bring together photographic practitioners.

Filmmaker/conceptual artist Chi Too’s “You and me put the ‘you’ and ‘me’ in ‘you and me’ (part two of many) aka where are you on a day like today”

A reunion of the photographers who participated in last year’s KL Photo Awards, the finalists, the judges and much much more.

To truly discover the camera one must, in Wawi Navarroza’s words, “unlearn the ropes,” start from scratch, the utter violence of beginning once again.

A few months ago, Angki Purbandono’s work at Richard Koh Fine Art inspired me to think about how photography expands and challenges fixed notions about itself.

Call for entries: KL PHOTOAWARDS is back with its second Contemporary Photographic Portraiture Competition. Open to all international photographers, from amateurs to professionals alike. This year, the competition is WIDE OPEN, with no distinction between pros and non-pro photographers!