We pitch TimeOut KL against KLue to see whether the two competing lifestyle journals are savvy enough when it comes to the all important ART ISSUE.

by Yusuf Martin
The Malaysian National Art Gallery – Balai Seni Lukis Negara, which might otherwise be called a museum of modern art, currently hosts a retrospective of one of Malaysia’s most esteemed artists – Syed Ahmad Jamal; celebrating his eightieth birthday, and almost sixty years devoted to art and art criticism.

Interview with Fahmi Fadzil and Azmyl Yunor Wayang, our stories told through light and shadow, given a contemporary spin.

by Yusuf Martin
Out of the canon of Kamal Sabran’s musical enterprises, this CD offers what may be his most accessible compositions, with a more direct focus on instrumental melodies, intertwined with electronic abstract resonance.

by Simon Soon
On Malaysia Emerging Artists Award (MEA): I’m not necessarily a fan of art competition, but the kind of media attention, spectacle and drama that surround an art award (the stuff that art purists would balk at) form the appealing recipe for creating the much needed buzz and encouragement to introduce new comers into the heady, treacherous yet occasionally rewarding art life.

House of Matahati (HOM) artist residency programme is now open for application. Started in 2008 as a studio mentorship programme by the MATAHATI boys, the residency has since become a significant stepping stone, where regular guidance from Malaysia’s prominent art stars have helped shape the direction and career of our artistic fledglings.

Interview with Ng Sek San: Increasingly, art collectors in Malaysia are opening their doors to researchers and art enthusiasts. Sharing is after all, caring.

by Simon Soon
A visit to Galeri Petronas’s Changing Phases: Relative Spaces proves to be a disappointing encounter with a bland and politically correct account of modern Malaysia. They have failed history.

Interview with Sim Pojinn: We sat down with the youthful and energetic face of Art Expo Malaysia.

There’s little point in arguing about it really. Working with only the best, we can’t be anything else but too pleased and delighted to present to you The Best Art Show in the Univers.

Pendatang halal chi too wants to play anak ayam, kejar-kejar, konda kondi with the people over at Dataran Merdeka at the end of each month.

We now have our own office space in MERAH! And it’s located in the leafy suburb of PJ. While we busy ourselves with the move, here’s a photo gallery of MERAH – a new artist studio/workspace/farm/hangout in Seksyen 17.

by Tan Zi Hao
Inside: a photogallery of handwritten signs, advertising agencies, and abstracted pictograms affixed to household grills!
Part two of a local boy’s typographical adventure to decipher the visual language of the New Village.

by Tan Zi Hao
Never underestimate the vernacular!
Whether it is a commercial message, spiritual, abstract or instructive, these forms of typographical communication attest to the villagers’ expressiveness that were, in the past, suppressed and left unnoticed.

Photos by Jun Kit
Words by Simon Soon
So much is achieved in one grueling, enlightening and fun-filled week of championing sexuality rights over at the Annexe gallery. Here are some photographic evidences.