photo gallery by participants
The eighth church attacked as we write. To neutralise this atmosphere of mistrust and hate, the young people of Kuala Lumpur decided to stage a rally tomorrow by distributing flowers to the public at a busy intersection in town, noon last Saturday.

There’s little point in arguing about it really. Working with only the best, we can’t be anything else but too pleased and delighted to present to you The Best Art Show in the Univers.

David Pledger, who is currently on a residency programme in Instant Cafe’s spanking new art space, CHAI, will be holding 2 evenings of public talks.

Announcement: The Box of Ideas is packaged and priced as a cigarette box. But instead of 20 nicotine fixes, you get 100 ideas from artists, activists and other agent provocateurs. It will be promoted via luscious cigarette girls+boys embedded in social events throughout Kuala Lumpur from 27 June 2009.
Submit your ideas!

It’s almost unreal that the Klang Valley art scene has been buzzing with activities non-stop for the past month. You’d think that as we enter into what is described as the worst recession since the Depression that programmes would have been scaled down or decommissioned altogether.

by Sharon Chin & Zedeck Siew
Messrs Fahmi Chin, Sharon Siew, and Zedeck Fadzil respectfully present Assembly Yr Own Story, a romp of Literary Genius and Artistic Magic. Mix and Match from 28 Hand-Crafted pages of Thematically Linked text and illustration to Construct Your Own Narrative! It’s got Extraterrestrial Encounters, Wildly Uninhibited Passion, and Socially Engaged Iconography! Simply Amazing!

By June Yap
A process-based performance collaboration between writer and performer Verena Tay and interdisciplinary artist Noor Effendy Ibrahim that explores the conflicted sense of belonging and identity of a contemporary Chinese Singaporean woman coming to terms with the fast-changing landscape that she grew up in – the text written on the performance for its publicity material.

By Eva McGovern
From February – May 2009 Ossage Gallery, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong is presenting Some Rooms, an exhibition that is a slice of contemporary art from Southeast Asia. 5 Curators were paired with two artists (selected by Ossage) each from Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and, (strangely in my mind) Hong Kong. I had the opportunity to work as one of the curators, and managed to learn an incredible amount about curating, about creating meaning, about categorising artists by nationality and the challenges of representation.

by Tunyaporn Hongtong
It has come to a point where I’m not sure if this exhibition is recognised solely as a platform for promoting the works of new Thai artists or that there’s an expectation that these artists would soon join the ranks of their predecessors to become the hot new thing in Thailand’s contemporary art scene. After all, the exhibtion is known to be a launch pad for the career of some of Thailand’s most well-known contemporary artists (Arin Roongjang, Porntaweesak Rimsakul, Yuree Kensakoo etc.). Reflecting on this, I reckon it does work both ways. And actually… why waste time doubting it anyway? It’s a good art project when you get right down to it.