Bakat Muda Sezaman 2010: Hasnul J Saidon plays agitator to the question of direction in contemporary Malaysian art.

You’ve read the review, now watch the video! Join Rahmat & Poodien as they tour the exhibition in a piece of moving art. It doesn’t get artier than this.

Bakat Muda Sezaman has always gotten the art scene heated up, with plenty of bitching and healthy (plus unhealthy) debate surrounding the exhibition, artists and winners.

REQUIRED READING: New legislation that widely impacts the visual arts in Malaysia is now in its 2nd and 3rd reading in the Dewan Rakyat.

Minister of Information, Culture & Communication Dr Rais Yatim announces a Visual Arts Development Bill will be tabled in parliament this October.

Zulkifli Yusoff shares his experiences as a child of the independence, its historic relevance, and his memories of a young country.

Bakat Muda Sezaman is back! The question asked is, ‘Should the Bakat Muda Sezaman have a theme?’ Do you think artists should compete against each other based on a selected theme or does this actually limit the scope of one’s creativity?

5th Asian Museum Curator’s Conference: Independent & institutional curators from across South East Asia and Japan share their responses.

by Yusuf Martin
The Malaysian National Art Gallery – Balai Seni Lukis Negara, which might otherwise be called a museum of modern art, currently hosts a retrospective of one of Malaysia’s most esteemed artists – Syed Ahmad Jamal; celebrating his eightieth birthday, and almost sixty years devoted to art and art criticism.