by Yusuf Martin
The Malaysian National Art Gallery – Balai Seni Lukis Negara, which might otherwise be called a museum of modern art, currently hosts a retrospective of one of Malaysia’s most esteemed artists – Syed Ahmad Jamal; celebrating his eightieth birthday, and almost sixty years devoted to art and art criticism.
ceritalah oleh Karim Raslan
Ulasan: Pameran ‘The Erased Time’ oleh FX Harsono
Bagi Kaum etnik Cina di Indonesia, sebarang kajian mengenai urutan sejarah mereka yang panjang di Republik itu penuh dengan kenangan pedih: ketakutan, kematian, korupsi, rampasan dan diskriminasi. Pertunjukan terbaharu pelukis FX Harsono di Galeri Nasional Jakarta menyoroti tema-tema ini.
by Karim Raslan
Review: FX Harsono’s The Erased Time @ National Gallery, Jakarta
For Indonesia’s ethnic Chinese, any review of their long history in the Republic is fraught with painful memories: fear, death, corruption, sequestration and discrimination. Are the country’s Chinese really free or are they doomed to re-experience the suspicion and violence of the past?
by Bilqis Hijjas
21 artists presented a series of site-specific performances and art installations in the old part of Melaka around the remains of A Famosa, St Paul’s Church and the river. It proves what a small group of dedicated people with no fanfare and minimal local government support can do.
by Yusuf Martin
Rhythm of the 21st Century: Raja Shahriman’s shadows give the appearance of cavorting, dancing, twisting, curling, bending to reveal the archetypal black soul of war mongering sculptures.
By Eva McGovern
A Very Belated Exhibition Review: With no land in sight audiences ask where is the Art? Jason Wee at Valentine Willie Fine Art 6-23 May 2009 challenges the viewer to think about borders, memory and the definition of photography but are they up to the task?
by Bilqis Hijjas
Hands Percussion has built a reputation for its high impact and high energy shows, with strong production values. This is what makes their most recent offering, Dreams in November, such a departure from the norm. It wasn’t that Hands Percussion failed to deliver, but that it delivered a different show than expected…
by Ho Rui-An
On Lost In the City, National Museum of Singapore: The works that leave the deepest impressions are those that articulately interrogate and contest its immediate surroundings, effectively constructing a new understanding of the tensions between a nation undecided about its existence and the museum that assumes its existence and documents its socio-historical consciousness.
by Yusuf Martin
Out of the canon of Kamal Sabran’s musical enterprises, this CD offers what may be his most accessible compositions, with a more direct focus on instrumental melodies, intertwined with electronic abstract resonance.
by Suraya Warden
Profiling some works for all of you out there to have a taste of what’s at Art Expo, but come out here as it will certainly be better in the flesh!
by Yin Shao Loong
Recently ARTERI was invited to a screening of Chris Chong Chan Fui’s ‘Karaoke’, the first Malaysian film in 14 years to make it to the Cannes Directors’ Fortnight. Read on to see what we think of it.
by Shahril Abdul Rani
Theatre review: Bilik Ahmad Berdaki
Being slapped, strangled, bitten and eaten are displays of both violent and sexual domination.
by Eva McGovern
Raja Shariman at Galeri Petronas: What is the function of sculpture that deals with the art of war when situated within a corporate gallery, in one of the biggest shopping malls in Malaysia?
By Eileen Legaspi- Ramirez
Philippines: Multimedia artist Claro Ramirez wryly comments on how individuals willfully withdraw from routine and render the metropolis desolate and motionless.
by Ho Rui An
The President’s Young Talents, Singapore’s answer to the Turner Prize, is the talk of the town. Our correspondent takes us on an exhibition walkthrough, and along the way, muses about the cultural climate of the island nation.