Title: MALAYSIA’s Greatest Hits 2 Time: 5pm – 7PM MALAYSIA’s GREATEST HITS 2 is a YouTube video festival programmed by: – Amir Muhammad (filmmaker / writer / publisher) – Imri Nasution (filmmaker) – Liew Seng Tat (filmmaker / Rumah Angkat-er) – Nor Fathin Ahmad & Rahmah Pauzi (students, PopIN & Rancangan Yang Memang Terkini) Since […]
Dear Ajarn Montien, It has already been ten years since you left us… and I won’t deny you have been an inspiration to me as an artist.
The organisers of BREAKTHROUGH got together for a kopi session to share with us about the joys and tribulations of putting up a group show for the first time!
In this modern and civilized society, information and knowledge continue to increase every day. The size and complexity of information seem to expand significantly with the rise of the internet thus the dissipation of data into our lives is increasing. At present time, the term “information explosion” is already not enough to describe our situation; […]
Ponderings and Wanderings on the Future of Art and Creativity
The images of my youth, in particular those years between the ages of 17 – 21, have haunted me for the past three decades, some are represented here.
Reading Olia Lialina’s The Vernacular Web takes me back into the early to mid nineties where the internet was a world which was constantly under construction.
In September 2010, Wei-ling Gallery is pleased to present a much awaited solo exhibition by Anurendra Jegadeva.The exhibition entitled ‘MY GOD IS MY TRUCK-Heroic Potraiture from the Far Side of Paradise’ has been in the making for the last two years and sees the artist presenting fifteen new painting installations. With this new body of […]
New Landscapes features four new large paintings by Chin Kong Yee. Landscapes, are a theme that Kong Yee has always been fascinated with. In this suite of paintings he has managed to push the boundaries of his art-making by looking at how one painting(on two canvases) can be reconfigured to create a whole new scene […]
GALERI PETRONAS presents a glimpse of Malaysian art’s future with Young Malaysian Artist – New Objec(tion). Brash, edgy and exciting, this invitational exhibition by the gallery features 40 new works by 40 young artists aged between 25 years to 45 years of age who have had their works shown and published in recent years. Names […]
Support your local revolution! Join us for this unique DIY mini art festival with no budget but lots of “big hearts”! SiCKL presents a colorful weekend celebrating creative and irrepressible contemporary works in visual art, music, dance, poetry, film/video and performance on 6-8 August 2010 in Melaka! This DIY, mini alternative art festival takes place […]
Architecture & Interior Architecture Graduate Students Exhibition Wed 4 to Sun 8 Aug | 11am to 8pm Presented by UCSI Faculty of Architecture, Engineering & the Built Environment Admission Free The 2010 graduate students of the UCSI Faculty of Architecture, Engineering & the Built Environment are proud to present an exhibition of their graduate works […]
Last minute put together concert, featuring Kouhei Matsunaga from Osaka, Japan, SCAM from KL, and room ambient by glk. Come join us, both Kouhei Matsunaga & SCAM’s work are highly original, creative, intelligent and with strong sense of humor. below is the CV of Kouhei Matsunaga, about SCAM, he just release a triple cd(!) debut, […]
At Urbanscapes 2010, more than 250 people carried a house from Jln. Ipoh to the KLPac. An exclusive behind-the-scenes view of what it took to get things moving.
‘I realized one day that I had to try to know, and even if it does not work out as planned, I would have tried.’ We interview Lara on her new art space in PJ.