Signs are often defined as an indication of works or things that are going to happen in a certain place or time. It can also be known as an object, quality or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else. Signs referred to can be seen in the Egyptian and Chinese characters that represents sacristy and prosperity.
Symbolism is often described as a use of symbols to express the abstract or mystical ideas and the essence of things by suggestion. Just like signs, symbols stands for something. However, symbols tend to be richer in meaning as it is usually an image or a physical object that represents something intangible or difficult to define. Symbols in this case are portrayed in the form of figures and cityscapes.
Icons on the other hand, represent an image or symbol that has a sacred significance as particularly represented, important or loved by a group of individuals, place or a period in history. Until today, the depiction of Marilyn Monroe and Mona Lisa has always been regarded by people all over the world as someone significant in their era.
Galeri Chandan presents Signs, Symbols & Icons – an exhibition by Anisa Abdullah, Hirzaq Haris and Najib Ahmad Bamadhaj and provides an opportunity to the public to see how they explore their true potential and how they take on different types of art making of collage, drawing and using mixed media to undertake these topics.
Held from 8th until 29th July 2011, Signs, Symbols & Icons embodies a skilful communication power as it inculcates beliefs and shape characters that reinforces social structures by manifesting how we perceive and regard ourselves to our consciousness to the substance in the world.