William Shakespeare was one of the best English writers ever. Seriously: Ever. The Shakespeare Demystified project aims to share the joy and genius of the Bard’s masterful storytelling and curious understanding of humanity.
The play – Julius Caesar – is a searing tale of power and ambition; and of the ideals of the state and of society, with a sprinkle of violence and the odd bit of comedy. This 80-minute no-frills show will feature scenes from the play in their original text, with modern-day narration to help iron out any Elizabethan wrinkles.
This will be followed by a 10-minute break and 20-minute Q&A session.
Date & Time: 29 June – 2 July 2011 @ 8.30pm; 2 & 3 July 2011 @ 3pm
Venue: Indicine, klpac (Level 2)
Cast: Qahar Aqilah, Lim Kien Lee, Lim Soon Heng, Sandee Chew, Nabihan Yaacob, Alfred Loh, Omar Ali & Marina Tan
Ticket Price: Entrance by donation of RM20
For more information, please visit www.klpac.com
Photos: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=o.147669195302239
Website: http://www.klpac.org/?p=1833