The sun will set on a few shows this week (beginning 6 July) and rise for others (and we hope you all managed to catch the opening of Channel 6 at Richard Koh Fine Art on Sat 4 July). But for this week scroll down below and don’t forget to save these dates in your art diaries!
Wax On :)
Opening 6 July, For Travel and Painting Lovers: Reality in Wonderland, Chin Kong Yee, Wei-Ling Gallery: all you travel lovers will be treated to surreal perspectives of much loved European landmarks and vistas along with some Balinese reminesces with new works from 2008-2009 by Chin Kong Yee. Surreal and intoxicating, indulge in paintings love of depicting translations of reality. Until 30 July.
Chin Kong Yee, 'Eiffel', 2008-09, Oil on Canvas, 170 x 190 cm, Image Courtesy of Wei-Ling Gallery
Opening 6 July, For the ‘Oh I didn’t know Ceramics could be so fun’ peeps: Residency Exhibition: Tanah Timur by Umibaizurah Mahir, Chikako Yoshikawa and Kazuko Uga, at the Japan Foundation18th Floor, Northpoint, Block B,Mid-Valley City,
Malaysian contemporary ceramic artist, Umibaizurah, met two Japanese artists in Tokoname, one of the six traditional 6 kilns in Japan, during her workshop organized by the International Workshop of Ceramic Art in Tokoname in 2004. 5 years after that, their friendship finally blooms as two-week residency programme at patisatu studio, and this exhibition “TANAH TIMUR” showcases their works produced during the residency as well as the ones produced before the residency.
On display from 7-8 July: For Urban Graffiti and new takes on Islamic spiritualism fans: Aerosol Arabic Mural, Rakan Muda as part of Knowledge in the Arts Tour 2009 by the Young Muslim Association in collaboration with the British Council Malaysia.
Mural being produced from 7-8 July, on display (for awhile)
Opening 8 July: For Conceptualists and Multi-disciplinarians: Intersection VietNam: New Works from North & South – curated by Iola Lenzi at Valentine Willie Fine Art
Right, treat yourselves folks, and go and indulge in some non Malaysian art. Vietnam’s contemporary scene is one that is growing and vibrant. Multiple generations, established and non established, multi disciplinary are all here as part of VWFA’s continuing platform for artists from the region.
Participating Artists include: Tran Luong (who was recently in town for the Where Art Happens Talks series at Rogue Art), Vu Dan Tan, Khanh Bui, Tuan Andrew Nguyen, Nguyen Quang Huy, Phan Thao Nguyen, Hoang Duong Cam. Until 8 August
Khanh Bui, 'Dollar Man Series', 2009, Dollar Man series, Print, Image Courtesy of Valentine Willie Fine Art
Wax Off :(
Closing 8 July: Four Painting Groupies: Fab 4 , Taksu Gallery, Right, this is one you should check out to figure out whether or not Justim Lim. Fausulyusri, Samsudin Wahab and Wong Chee Meng are really Painting and the Artworld’s equivalent to John, Paul, George and Ringo.
Samsuddin Wahab, 'Novus Ordo Seclorum', 2009, Image from Gallery website
Closing 12 July: For Painting and Self Questioning Art Lovers: 365me at Annexe Gallery: ok how many times have you gazed at yourself in the mirror with feelings of admiration, criticism, confusion, anger, love, and thoughts that wonder whether you actually know who the hell is staring back at you? We all questions ourselves, notions of the self and get rather in a tiz sometimes about identity (that sensitive word in Malaysia). Painter Nizam Abdullah’s exhibition is about such self love and explores the artist’s own image. He shows us his ongoing quest to figure out his own existential questions along with being on hand for audiences who come to the show. Yes he’s there folks and he wants to talk to you. Get down there for a chat and some interactive artsy stuff too.
Nizam Abdullah, 'Original Perfect' (detail), 2008-2009, ink on paper, 21 x15 cm (x 30 pcs). Image Courtesy of the Artist
Closing 12 July: For those who want to think about gender and whether female shows are good thing or not: V: Version One at ThreeSixtyArt. 32 local emerging female artists have been selected and pulled together in this exhibition that look at techniques and media traditionally associated with female craft making such as thread, beads, glitter and paper. Although not restricted to gender and craft alone it should be an interesting experience for those who wonder whether ‘female’ shows are relevant at this point in the Malaysian art world, or for those wanting to support the ladies. It’s a sister thang.
Maslin Ramlee, 'I'm No Angel', 2009, Acrylic on Canvas, 152 x 76 cm, Image taken from Gallery website
You see! There is so much going on.
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‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’?
Yay! Conspiracy theory :D
Nizam Abdullah –
farliao monster of MytwitFace generation. I saw the facebook pictures of the gallery so maximal wif his facex9000…I no there but I feel my brain choking…choking…after awhile..I thought..oklah..this fella is an honest mofo. MegaEgo but honest and ballsy. Better than your 2face corporate PR peeps or politicians.
Maslin Ramlee –
puhleez, another feminine who fantasy fairy wings on back. Oh wow, its not girly white feathered flutterfly wings man, its Maori lines tattoos man, no play play…pffff. Comeback with a photo of a real one. Pfff…pfff…pffffffff this the same she/he who posed for Justin?
Chin Kong Yee –
wah..Eiffel Tower doing a ‘goatse’ ( x ) C’est fabululz [Don’t image search this..cannot be unseen, but if you wanna, search with safety off k]
Khanh Bui –
Nasty G.I: Hey gook. Pat head…rub nips…switch!Pat nips…rub head!Nao faster!r!r! gooood.Here’z a dollar. Bwahahahahah Damn gooks/turban heads/niggas/chinks..[flings beer can at the rest of the world]
Graffiti meets spirituality –
If I tag mename on the walls of a mosque, izzit same?
Tnh Timur –
Wut? Show better pics or GTFO