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Interview with the Phantom Voter

Posted by on Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 12:13 PM. Filed under: Gallery


It seems that the by-election fever has not subsided! With five by-elections done and one more (possibly?) to come, it’s pretty safe to say that some kind of a democracy is definitely in action in this country. Looks like we all have to work overtime, phantom voters notwithstanding.

Phantom voters is a political term that refers to an election fraud whereby voters who no longer exists (i.e. dead) or who are not eligible to vote (i.e. too young) are added to the electoral register.


As such, due to large amounts of phantom requests, The Fairly Current Show, a weekly online talk show on Malaysian cultural and political issues, speaks with Mr (or is it Mrs?) Phantom Voter about what it takes to be a phantom voter, phantom voting trends/tendencies, and what he (or she?) does when it’s not election-time. Phantom Voter is a phantom voter, and has been a registered voter since 1910,

1967, or 1986, depending on the phantom’s identity card in question.

In this incredibly dry and funny episode, democracy’s invisible nemesis is given a chance to air his (her) views. You might be surprised by what you’re about to hear!

Note: This episode was originally shot for and first aired on The Kini Current Show, 7 April 2009, during the tri-by-elections of Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau, and Batang Ai.

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  1. johnson says
    23/04/2009 6:09 PM


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