Published by Universiti Sains Malaysia, this is a truly wonderful resource for all students, scholars and researchers of Malaysian art. Now calling for submission of papers.
Missed Tan Chui Mui’s ‘Year Without A Summer’? Phang Kuan Hoong reviews this beautiful Malaysian movie!
Is Fashion Art? = Top 10 in Topics Most Likely To Start A Pointless Flame War. Local collective We Are ULTRA gives their take on it, nice and easy.
Haven’t been keeping tab on Malaysian Avant Garde fashion? Guess what our fashion designers are currently inspired by!
About fear, freedom and performance art in the streets of Myanmar. ‘Examining our history, I realize no artist has actually been imprisoned for doing street performance.’
A review of Yee I-Lann’s book Fluid World. ‘A multi-layered, multi-textural, malleable, plastic world containing multiple narratives’
What better way to show our support for Japan than to appreciate the vision of one of their greatest artists. Don’t miss this fantastic film festival, screening at ASWARA till the weekend!
ULTRA recently collaborated with artist Samsuddin Wahab to create wearable art for Garden of Hidden Desires@Wei Ling Gallery. Read what the designers had to say!
CALL FOR ENTRIES – The OK. Video FLESH – 5th Jakarta International Video Festival 2011. Deadline 31st August!
ULTRA thoughts on guerilla gardening and green spaces. Communities coming together to enhance their living experiences through nature. We encourage this!
Having an artist-block? Feeling uninspired? Here’s a tutorial from graphic artist Pek Thong on how to make your own freaky make-up!
Midweek: too close to Monday, too far from Friday. Get a dose of Jilian Ng’s Malaysia-nomics, which pokes fun at current issues with youthful charm and bite.
The Malaysian Emerging Artist (MEA) Award is back! Send in your applications before July 1st!
Published by Universiti Sains Malaysia, this is a truly wonderful resource for all students, scholars and researchers of Malaysian art. Now calling for submission of papers.
Missed Tan Chui Mui’s ‘Year Without A Summer’? Phang Kuan Hoong reviews this beautiful Malaysian movie!
Is Fashion Art? = Top 10 in Topics Most Likely To Start A Pointless Flame War. Local collective We Are ULTRA gives their take on it, nice and easy.
Haven’t been keeping tab on Malaysian Avant Garde fashion? Guess what our fashion designers are currently inspired by!
About fear, freedom and performance art in the streets of Myanmar. ‘Examining our history, I realize no artist has actually been imprisoned for doing street performance.’
A review of Yee I-Lann’s book Fluid World. ‘A multi-layered, multi-textural, malleable, plastic world containing multiple narratives’
What better way to show our support for Japan than to appreciate the vision of one of their greatest artists. Don’t miss this fantastic film festival, screening at ASWARA till the weekend!
ULTRA recently collaborated with artist Samsuddin Wahab to create wearable art for Garden of Hidden Desires@Wei Ling Gallery. Read what the designers had to say!
CALL FOR ENTRIES – The OK. Video FLESH – 5th Jakarta International Video Festival 2011. Deadline 31st August!
ULTRA thoughts on guerilla gardening and green spaces. Communities coming together to enhance their living experiences through nature. We encourage this!
Having an artist-block? Feeling uninspired? Here’s a tutorial from graphic artist Pek Thong on how to make your own freaky make-up!
Midweek: too close to Monday, too far from Friday. Get a dose of Jilian Ng’s Malaysia-nomics, which pokes fun at current issues with youthful charm and bite.
The Malaysian Emerging Artist (MEA) Award is back! Send in your applications before July 1st!
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