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10th Malaysia Plan: Arts & Culture

Posted by on Wednesday, 16 June, 2010 at 5:25 PM. Filed under: News

Were arts and culture left out of the 10 Malaysia Plan, like (apparently) Selangor was?

No! We made it in. Rejoice my friends, for we are part of the grand plan. Whether that means more than the high grade paper it’s printed on is another matter.

For the benefit of the arts community, here is the section of the 10th Malaysia Plan that concerns art and culture. It is on page 266, under Chapter 6: Building an Environment that Enhances Quality of Life.

Download the entire document here (in English) or here (in BM).

Many thanks to Yin Shao Loong, who read the entire document (a tedious fate we wouldn’t wish on anyone) and sent us the relevant section.


Seni, Budaya dan Riadah

Seni dan budaya bukan sahaja penting untuk menjadikan bandar tempat yang menarik untuk didiami, bekerja dan beriadah tetapi ia juga merupakan pemangkin inovasi dalam ekonomi yang semakin berasaskan pengetahuan. Dengan peningkatan pendapatan dan kekayaan, rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya generasi muda, akan mempunyai peluang yang lebih luas untuk memberi perhatian kepada isu budaya, warisan dan kualiti hidup. Langkah akan diambil untuk menjadikan seni dan budaya Malaysia lebih relevan dan berdaya maju di peringkat antarabangsa dengan matlamat untuk mencipta identiti seni dan budaya berciri Malaysia yang sebenarnya. Bandar merupakan inkubator semula jadi bagi transformasi tersebut kerana mempunyai pelbagai budaya dan perspektif yang dapat mencetus persekitaran kesenian yang cergas. Bandar lain yang telah mengiktiraf kepentingan ini adalah seperti di Carta 6-5.

Mentransformasikan seni melibatkan golongan artis dan penonton. Sokongan kepada artis adalah dalam bentuk geran industri kreatif atau pinjaman untuk pembentukan kelompok seni, seperti Art Enclave atau Perkampungan Seni. Ini akan menyediakan ruang kerja untuk artis dan penumpuan aktiviti serta peluang mencapai kejayaan komersial dalam seni kreatif seperti ruang bidaan hasil seni, galeri, pentas pertunjukan, restoran dan kedai. Untuk mengukur kejayaan dari segi penglibatan penonton, langkah akan diambil untuk mengukur outcome dalam seni dan kebudayaan seperti bilangan teater dan persembahan muzik, bilangan syarikat dan pertubuhan seni, kehadiran penonton serta nilai tambah seni dan budaya kepada Keluaran Dalam Negeri Kasar (KDNK).

Di samping itu, Kerajaan akan menggalakkan penganjuran acara seni dan kebudayaan antarabangsa di bandar. Acara berskala besar seperti acara kesenian, pameran seni, festival filem atau muzik akan menarik penyertaan dari seluruh dunia dan penonton antarabangsa, manakala acara lain seperti Rainforest Music Festival di Sarawak akan menarik penonton serantau dan peminat khusus. Pada masa yang sama, institusi kebudayaan ikonik seperti Muzium Negara, Balai Seni Lukis Negara dan Istana Budaya akan ditransformasi bagi menarik bakat antarabangsa untuk mencipta, mempertonton, mempersembah dan membuat pameran di Kuala Lumpur.

Selain seni, aktiviti riadah dan sukan akan digalak untuk mewujudkan persekitaran yang berdaya maju dan menarik untuk bekerja pada waktu siang dan beriadah pada waktu petang dan hujung minggu.

Pembangunan semula tempat dengan identiti tersendiri seperti Little India di Greater KL akan memanfaatkan kekuatan kepelbagaian etnik Malaysia dan warisan budaya yang unik. Tumpuan akan diberi kepada aktiviti yang dapat menarik lebih ramai penonton. Malaysia Truly Asia Centre akan dibangun sebagai destinasi pelancongan ikonik untuk memperaga kebudayaan, seni dan warisan Malaysia dalam persekitaran yang berdaya maju, interaktif dan hidup. Pusat aktiviti berskala kecil seperti perpustakaan komuniti dan hab kejiranan juga akan diberi penekanan.


Arts, Culture and Leisure

Arts and culture not only play an important role in making cities more liveable, but they are also catalysts for innovation in developed economies that are increasingly knowledge-based. With higher incomes and wealth, Malaysians, especially the young, will have increasing opportunities to turn their attention to issues of culture, heritage and quality of life. The Government will work towards enhancing the vibrancy and international relevance of its arts and culture scene with the objective of creating an artistic and cultural identity that is uniquely Malaysian and globally relevant. Cities are the natural incubator points for such a transformation; they have the diversity of cultures and perspectives that can spark a vibrant arts scene. Other cities have recognised the importance of this, as shown in Chart 6-5.

Transforming the arts requires addressing both artists and audiences. Support for artists will be provided in the form of creative industry grants or loans for the creation of art clusters, namely the Art Enclave or Perkampungan Seni. This will feature affordable workspaces for artists and a concentration of commercially-viable art activities and opportunities, such as art auction houses, galleries, performing spaces, restaurants and shops. In order to measure success in terms of audience participation, the Government will begin to track outcomes in arts and culture such as the number of theatre and music performances, number of arts companies and societies, audience attendance and value-add of arts and culture to Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

In addition, the Government will encourage the hosting of international arts and cultural events in cities. Large events, such as an arts biennale, art expositions, film or music festivals, attract worldwide participation and international audiences, while other events, such as the Rainforest Music Festival in Sarawak, attract regional and niche audiences. At the same time, iconic cultural institutions such as the Muzium Negara, Balai Seni Lukis Negara and Istana Budaya will be transformed to attract international talent to create, premiere, perform and exhibit in Kuala Lumpur.

Beyond the arts, a wide range of leisure and sporting activities will be encouraged to create a vibrant, exciting environment in which to work in the day and play in the evenings and on weekends. The rejuvenation of places with distinctive identities, such as Little India in Greater KL will capitalise on the strengths of Malaysia’s ethnic diversity and unique cultural heritage. The focus will be on activities that appeal to a broad segment of audiences. The Malaysia Truly Asia Centre will be developed as an iconic tourism destination to showcase Malaysian culture, art and heritage within a vibrant, interactive and lively environment. Smaller activity centres such as community libraries and neighbourhood activity hubs will also be emphasised.

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  1. Pang says
    22/06/2010 1:05 PM

    My question: What happens when arts and culture receive more state-driven initiatives and funds without the reviewing of policies that majorly inhibit the freedom of expression?

  2. Pong says
    22/06/2010 2:46 PM

    What happens when people sense that they have total freedom to express themselves?


  3. Disenranchised Salaried Civil Servant says
    22/06/2010 2:53 PM

    Hey Pong,

    That’s incidentally one of my favourite sites to visit when I feel that way too!

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