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Death to the Tiger

Posted by on Wednesday, 19 May, 2010 at 8:00 AM. Filed under: Gallery

On the last weekend of April, the infamous Papier Tiger  by the Best Art Show in the Univers who guarded over MAP art space inaugural exhibition, Al-Kesah/Once Upon A Time in Malaysia, was given the final blow by a lucky blindfolded participant who won the raffles draw. Twenty over disposable cameras were handed out to the audience for them to capture this frenetic moment. Here is a documentation of that process. The crowd was also entertained by the now-defunct band ‘Kerana Esok Masih Ada’ as pictured above. – Eds.


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  1. Aku Bukan Rahmat Haron says
    19/05/2010 9:37 AM


  2. kerana hari ini masih kini says
    19/05/2010 12:30 PM

    Great pictures!

  3. doraemon says
    19/05/2010 3:54 PM

    never mention the money inside the pinata

  4. fattie says
    20/05/2010 1:13 AM

    actually, does anyone know what happened to all the money in the tiger? apparently BASITU only managed to retrieve about 30 ringgit, and the person who smashed it only took a couple of ringgit… that’s like a 400 over ringgit discrepancy.

  5. Simon Soon says
    20/05/2010 1:33 AM

    i took thirty plus. bought beer for quan and myself and the rest spent on the hokkien char we ate togethergether.

  6. Number 10!WTF? says
    20/05/2010 10:32 AM

    i paid simon RM1 for but sex

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